Germaphobes unite! The bathroom tends to be a breeding place for germs – but it doesn’t have to be. We have compiled a handful of helpful bathroom hacks to keep you and your bathroom clean and bacteria-free.
First, let’s focus on the dirtiest place – the toilet. In recent years there have been a ton of advances in technology, and the toilet was not left out. These changes have made toilets cleaner. Consider purchasing a one-piece skirted toilet which has a smooth base instead of the visible curvy trapway seen on traditional toilets. They are much easier to clean and do not gather as much grime. If you prefer a two-piece toilet, make sure the toilet you buy has a sanitary bar which prevents liquids from accumulating under the tank. Take the toilet one step further and get a wall-mounted toilet. Cleaning the floor is a breeze since you don’t need to worry about cleaning around and behind the porcelain throne. If the flusher grosses you out, install a touchless flush. These easy-to-install mechanisms are fairly universal and work on most toilets. Once installed, all you need to do is wave your hand over a spot above the tank to flush. Bidets (personal cleansing systems) are slowly making their way to the United States – and for a good reason. They are incredibly hygienic and although full systems can cost up to $1,000, simple washlet seats can be found for under $100.

Skirted Toilet

Touchless Flush

Wall-Mounted Toilet

The most visible grime can be found on the vanity and sink. Like the toilet, consider installing a wall-mounted vanity. The floor is much easier to clean when there aren’t corners to sweep around. You can also purchase a wall-mounted faucet as well. The perfect combination is a wall-mounted vanity, wall-mounted faucet, and a single-piece Onyx vanity top. Instead of a countertop with a separate sink, it is one seamless piece. This makes cleaning a breeze. When the faucet is mounted, you can simply wipe down the whole countertop and sink in one smooth move. If you don’t like the look of a wall-mounted faucet, another germ-free option is to install a Delta Touch faucet. You can simply tap the faucet with your forearm to turn on the water and not have to touch the handles.
The most difficult-to-clean object in the bathroom is the shower. Grout lines between tiles are quick to collect mold and mildew. Remove them completely with a grout-free Onyx shower. The single piece base and walls are easy to wipe down without scrubbing. If you still are using a shower curtain, consider replacing it with glass doors. Curtains collect mildew and shower scum while doors are easy to wipe down after each shower. Even better, design a doorless shower. These are cleverly located showers with the showerhead facing away from the entrance so you don’t even need a door.
Imagine the time you will save with an easy-to-clean bathroom! Consider making a few of these changes to your home. At Handy Man, we’ll walk you through it!