We are all busy, running from one place to another. We’re also trying to think of ways to simplify our lives. One of the most hectic places in the home is the kitchen. You know the morning routine, the hustle and bustle as everyone tries to get out the door. Imagine having a touch-free faucet in your kitchen. If your child forgets to turn off the water, or simply can’t reach, you don’t have to worry.
Here are some reasons why you might consider adding a touch-free faucet to your home!
1: Consistency: The handle on the side offers familiar manual operation, allowing you to adjust the water temperature and flow.
2: Availability: Touch-free faucets are always ready. A ready-sensor makes it easy to wash your hands, or fill a cup.
3: Easy cleaning: Because the faucet is touch free, it means less cleaning and will also help prevent the spread of germs in your home.
4: It’s responsive: Simply wave your hand over, or under the faucet for it to turn on.
5: Clean up is a breeze: The faucet will often come with a pull out sprayer, making cleaning up tasks easy in your sink!
Touch-free faucets come in variety of stylish designs and color schemes. Be sure to do your research to find out which one will fit your needs and your space the best.
Written in partnership with The ‘Hood Magazine. March 2018.